What are Biometrics?

Biometrics (or biometric authentication) refers to the identification of humans by their characteristics or traits. Biometrics is used in computer science as a form of identification and access control.


Want to Register to Vote? You need to take with you:

1. National ID
2. Proof of residence or a VR9 affidavit form stating where you reside

These are the stages you need to follow:

1. Filling of the registration form
2. Information verification against your National ID and Proof of residence
3. Capturing of your details in the system
4. Scanning of your documents
5. Scanning/ capturing of all 10 fingerprints
6. Capturing of your photo
7. Cross-checking and proofreading of data received
8. Printing of certificate of registration.

What is Biometric Voter Registration?

Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) is the process of requiring eligible voters to go through some kind of biometric analysis for recording, be it fingerprint or iris scanning  technology. Doing so allows them to be a registered voter and prove their identity when they go to vote.

What is the Biometric Voter Registration Kit?

A Biometric Voter Registration Kit is the computerized unit that captures the voter data. It comprises of a computer (laptop), a fingerprint scanner and camera.

Why Use Biometrics in elections?

The main purpose of using biometrics in elections is to prevent identity theft and duplicate or multiple registrations during the voter registration process. BVR also improves the accuracy of the voters’ roll.

How is the data captured and used?

The biometrics system takes the personal identification information of a voter ( for example name, surname, address, region, etc) and combines it with the unique biological features of the voter. The data is then stored on a voters roll which includes the particulars of a voter together with the fingerprint and picture as captured on the system. The system will identify duplicate ID numbers as well as duplicate fingerprints.


Where is the data kept?

The data is kept by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) who is the sole custodian of the data and maintenance of the voters roll.